Inscription Examples


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  • Each member in the FUN collection has metadata that describes its attributes.
  • This inscription uses its own metadata to draw the ordinal image.


  • Inscription 0 is the parent inscription for Casey's sugar skull collection, a grandparent for the FUN! collection, and the grandparent for the sleepiest rune.
  • With the Rug Me collection, owners are able to change the background color by inscribing a child to it.
  • This Bitcoin Magazine Cover renders the children as part of the parent inscription.
  • The yellow_ord_bot has many different quotes as cursed children.
  • The Spellbound collection from the Wizard of Ord utilizes recursion, delegation, metadata, provenance, postage, location, compression.


  • Inscription 12992 was the first recursive inscription inscribed on mainnet.
  • OnChain Monkey Genesis (BTC) was one of the earliest collections to use recursion to create its PFP art.
  • Blob is a recursive generative collection that seeds its generation with metadata and uses threeJS, React 3 Fiber and other libraries recursively.
  • The GPU Ordinals collection takes recursive content and transforms it before rendering, creating what is termed as 'super-recursion'. Use Google Chrome and headphones to experience the spatial audio.
  • The Abstractii Genesis collection uses the inscriptions ID as a seed to generate its art.
  • The Abstractii Evolved generative collection uses the recursive blockheight endpoint as a seed to generate its art.
  • This code is called recursively in this inscription to generate music.
  • This code is called recursively in this inscription, allowing it to function as a pixel art drawing program.