Ordinal Bounty 3


Ordinal bounty 3 has two parts, both of which are based on ordinal names. Ordinal names are a modified base-26 encoding of ordinal numbers. To avoid locking short names inside the unspendable genesis block coinbase reward, ordinal names get shorter as the ordinal number gets longer. The name of sat 0, the first sat to be mined is nvtdijuwxlp and the name of sat 2,099,999,997,689,999, the last sat to be mined, is a.

The bounty is open for submissions until block 840000—the first block after the fourth halving. Submissions included in block 840000 or later will not be considered.

Both parts use frequency.tsv, a list of words and the number of times they occur in the Google Books Ngram dataset. filtered to only include the names of sats which will have been mined by the end of the submission period, that appear at least 5000 times in the corpus.

frequency.tsv is a file of tab-separated values. The first column is the word, and the second is the number of times it appears in the corpus. The entries are sorted from least-frequently occurring to most-frequently occurring.

frequency.tsv was compiled using this program.

To search an ord wallet for sats with a name in frequency.tsv, use the following ord command:

ord wallet sats --tsv frequency.tsv

This command requires the sat index, so --index-sats must be passed to ord when first creating the index.

Part 0

Rare sats pair best with rare words.

The transaction that submits the UTXO containing the sat whose name appears with the lowest number of occurrences in frequency.tsv shall be the winner of part 0.

Part 1

Popularity is the fount of value.

The transaction that submits the UTXO containing the sat whose name appears with the highest number of occurrences in frequency.tsv shall be the winner of part 1.

Tie Breaking

In the case of a tie, where two submissions occur with the same frequency, the earlier submission shall be the winner.


  • Part 0: 200,000 sats
  • Part 1: 200,000 sats
  • Total: 400,000 sats

Submission Address


